PSYC 4400 - Guided Research
Class Meeting: TBA
Office: 306 Callaway Academic Building
Available by appointment. See the scheduler to the right to make an appointment. Check the locator on my door if you stop by my office and would like to know if I'm available.
(use subject: Guided Research)
Phone: 706-880-8298
Twitter: @SocialPsySteph
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychological Sciences
306 CAB
LaGrange College
There is no required text. Any required reading will be provided via journal articles.
Course Description and Objectives
Under supervision of a faculty member, the student develops a project on a topic that is
psychological in nature. The emphasis is on analyzing and synthesizing scientific literature, with
the goal of producing a literature review and/or research proposal. A successful proposal may
lead to data collection and analysis. The result of the project must be disseminated in some
professional setting.
Course Requirements
Given that students will be completing there own research project, attendance at all scheduled meetings is mandatory and expected. The faculty member will serve as the guide for the research but the student is responsible for completing all aspects of the research and thus must be present to do so.
All students must disseminate their work in some fashion when finished. This may include LaGrange College Honor's Day, Citations, GURP, NCUR, or any other local, regional, or national conference as decided by the faculty member and student.
Overall Grading
To receive a passing grade, students should attend all scheduled meetings, complete all assigned work in a timely manner, and disseminate (or have a plan for dissemination) the product of their research when finished.
Academic misconduct. Any student who cheats or plagiarizes will be given a grade of “F” for the course and will be referred to Student Judiciaries. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: wearing earphones or hats to the test session, attempting to or leaving the classroom with a copy of the test or answer sheet, looking at another student’s test or answer sheet, or using a phone during the exam period. Plagiarism involves any attempt to pass off work from another source as your own. This applies to both tests and assignments.
Other Administrative Details
All papers submitted in this class should follow APA format and the paper formatting guidelines found here.
If you have a documented disability or need that affects your class performance, you must speak with the instructor & present documentation by the end of the 2nd week of the term.
The course outline is a guide. The coverage of certain topics or participation in class activities may take more time or less time than was originally expected. The instructor reserves the right to alter the course outline at any time. Students will be notified in class and/or by email of any changes in the course outline.
In the case of an emergency such as severe weather or influenza or zombie outbreak, I may be obliged to make changes to course content, assignments, or other substantive elements of the class.
Acts of academic misconduct (e.g. cheating, plagiarism) will result in course failure and referral to the Honor Council.
All tests, papers, etc... will be destroyed during week 5 of the following semester. Any questions regarding grades or assignments must be addressed before that time.
You are required to get permission from the instructor if you wish to audio record, video record, or take pictures of a class.
Responsible Employee Reporting Obligation: All faculty and staff share in the responsibility to create a safe learning environment for all students and for the campus as a whole. As members of the campus community, all faculty and staff (other than those designated as confidential reporters) are designated as responsible employees and therefore have the duty to report any instances of sexual harassment, sexual violence and/or other forms of prohibited discrimination. If a student would prefer to share information about sexual harassment, sexual violence or discrimination with a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, a list of those individuals can be found at
*Instructor reserves right to alter schedule due to any unforeseen circumstances*