Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
LaGrange College
Paper Formatting
All papers submitted in this class should be formatted in the following way unless specifically stated in the assignment description. This formatting follows APA guidelines for formatting and citing. Papers not submitted using the following format may lose points for formatting errors or may not be accepted at all.
APA format should be followed throughout the paper
12 pt. Times New Roman black colored font
1" margins all around
1 space after all periods
Do not take up a bunch of space with your name, class, etc... at the top of the page. All personal information should be included on the cover page and not the body of the paper. Papers that do not follow this format may lose points for length.
If you need to cite any references, please follow APA guidelines which are demonstrated in the sample paper below.
Please check all spelling and grammar (points will be taken off for errors)
Use a professional writing style including...
Avoid contractions
Avoid referring to the reader ("you")
Do not capitalize names of concepts/principles unless they contain proper nouns
All papers should be printed and turned in in-class (unless otherwise stated in the assignment description). Papers may be printed either double- or single-sided. If papers consist of more than one page, the pages should be stapled together. Papers should be printed in black ink on white paper to aid in readability.
No handwritten papers will be accepted.
Please see the Connect page for more information on paper formatting, APA help, and specific paper guidelines.
Please see the example of how all papers should look. This includes instructions on how to add a header to your paper for your personal information. There is also a video that demonstrates how to format your paper in this way in Microsoft Word.